
Book Reviews ~ Fiction

Page history last edited by Student A 13 years, 9 months ago

Student Book Reviews ~ Fiction

(Scroll down for instructions on how to add your own review)


Fiction Books 

Anthem ~ by Ayn Rand
Birdland ~ by Tracy Mack
Crank ~ by Ellen Hopkins 
Cut ~ by Patricia McCormick
Dear John ~ by Nicholas Sparks
Deadline ~ by Chris Crutcher 
Ender's Game ~ by Orson Scott Card
Eragon ~ by Christopher Paolini

Everlost ~ by Neil Shusterman

Fahrenheit 451 ~ by Ray Bradbury

Gym Candy ~ by Carl Deuker

Hoot ~ by Carl Hiaason

The Host ~ by Stephenie Meyer 

Hunger Games ~ by Suzanne Collins

I am the Messenger ~ by Markus Zusak 
Impossible ~ by Nancy Werlin  (Book Trailer)
Impulse ~ by Ellen Hopkins
Lessons from a Dead Girl ~ by Jo Knowles 
London Bridges ~ by James Patterson 
Looking for Alaska ~ by John Green 
New Moon ~ by Stepehnie Meyer
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies ~ by Seth Grahame-Smith and Jane Austen
Saint Iggy ~ by K.L. Going 
Shiver ~ by Maggie Stiefvater  (Book Trailer)
Taken ~ by Norah McClintok
The Bad Beginning ~ by Lemony Snicket
Thirteen Reasons Why ~ by Jay Asher  (Book Trailer)
Tricksters ~ by Tamora Pierce
Twilight ~ by Stephenie Meyer 



Book Review Instructions:


In order to submit a book review for inclusion in our drawing, you must follow these guidelines.


  1. Go to the library to register for a username and password to access the wiki ... or log in if you are already registered
  2. Click on 'Create a page" (top right-hand corner)
  3. Name your page: Title of book, author, your username  (DO NOT CLICK ON create page YET!!!)
  4. Click on 'more options'
  5. Go to 'put this page in a folder' and select either 'Book Review ~ Fiction' OR 'Book Review ~ Non-fiction'
  6. Go to 'page content' and select 'use a template'
  7. Select the 'book review' template, and NOW click on CREATE PAGE
  8. Fill in the required information, and click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

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