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Sequoyah High School Masterlist for 2019
Those who read at least 3 of the books below can stop by the library to vote for their favorite in the Sequoyah poll in Spring 2018!
Far From the Tree
by Robin Benway
Words in Deep Blue
by Cath Crowley
The Pain Eater
by Beth Goobie
Devils Within
by S.F. Henson
Dreamland Burning
by Jennifer Latham
Daughter of the Pirate King
by Tricia Levenseller
by Barry Lyga
When Dimple Met Rishi
by Sandhya Menon
A Long Way Down
by Jason Reynolds
A List of Cages
by Robin Roe
The 57 Bus
by Dashka Slater
Dear Martin
by Nic Stone
Strange The Dreamer
by Laini Taylor
The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
Eliza and Her Monsters
by Francesca Zappia
The Sequoyah 2018 High School Winner is:
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis
Are you part of the lost generation?
Watch the clip below to see ~
HERE is the link for 21st Century Learning Lab at the OSDE
This link will take you to the ning page where the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) has a list of all of the free training session they offer for teachers, as well as a link to register for these sessions. Sign up is required, but free.
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Updated 8/2/11
by: Vivian Cisneros
Newcastle, OK
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