
MLA Print Citation Guide 2009

Page history last edited by Mrs. Cisneros, NBCT 15 years, 3 months ago

MLA Style Print Citations


1.       Author, last name first. (period)

a.      If more than one, the next ones are first name last name, and ….

b.     If there is only an editor, start with his name, and add: , ed.


2.     Title of Book.  (in italics, followed by a period)

a.      Title capitalization rules apply


3.     Place of Publication:  (colon)

a.      Is usually found on the title page or sometimes on the verso of the title page


4.     Publisher,  (comma)

a.      Is found either on the title page or on the verso of the title page


5.     Copyright year.  (period)

a.      Is usually found on the verso of the title page

b.     If there are several copyright dates listed, use the most recent one

c.      If there is a copyright and a printing date listed, use the copyright date (indicated by the © symbol)

d.      If there is no copyright date, indicate this by putting n.d.


6.     Format.  (period)  (eg.: Print.)



There are many other types of print formats available.  For more complicated citations, please consult a style guide, or check online.  One good site to go to is:


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