
MLA Web Citation Guide 2009

Page history last edited by Mrs. Cisneros, NBCT 15 years, 3 months ago

MLA Style Web Citations


1.      Author, last name first. (period)

a.      There may not be one on a website

b.      If more than one, the next ones are first name last name, and ….


2.     “Title of Page.”  (in quotation marks, followed by a period)


3.     Title of Website.  (in italics, followed by a period)

a.      If the title of the website is the publisher, skip this step


4.     Publisher,  (comma)

a.      If the title of the website is also the publisher, follow the publisher instructions

b.     If there is no publisher listed, use N.p.,


5.     Copyright date.  (period)

a.      Day month year  (eg.:  11 Nov. 2009.)

b.     May be just the year (2009.)

c.      If there is no copyright date, indicate this by putting n.d.


6.     Format.  (period)  (eg.: Web.)


7.     Date you looked at it.  (period)

a.      Day month year  (eg.:  11 Nov. 2009.)


8.     <URL>.  (in <  > brackets, followed by a period)



There are many other types of web formats available.  For more complicated citations, please consult a style guide, or check online.  One good site to go to is:



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